It's weird, odd, bizarre, It's Spa Con, a weekend when all sorts of inexplicale kids and
adults show up in Hot Springs with furry ears, pink tails, bizarree tattoos, weapons that haven't been invented yet and studded armour. It's one of my very favorite weekends of the year because it's so joyous. That's a word we don't use or feel enough.
I like baseball weekend and the St. Patricks Parade but I adore Spa Con.
First, let me say when I write "kids" I'm talking about anyone under 50 and I'm not being disrespectful. These people and famalies who are part of Spa Con are bussiness men, therapists, CPAs, architects, lawyers, actors, first responders and dollar store clerks. And there are so many families with parents and kids all taking part and enjoying the same experience. Where else do you get that? Today I saw entire families, 3 year olds to 40 year old working their light saber skills. I saw brothers and sisters lovingly painting each others faces. It's beautiful.
Constantly, local folks roll their eyes, because they don't understand what's going on or why everyone wants to dress up. These are their streets and stores and some think Spa Con Participants are deranged and dangerous dressed up like bunnies and bears, Star Wars characters, anime heros, pirates, Harry Potter and seral killers..
What they don't know is some Cosplay actors spend thousands of dollars and hours creating costumes. Some I spoke to, spent an entire year getting ready for Spa Con.They design and build with natural sewing skills and three d printers, they work fabric, foam, wood, rubber and all kinds of other materials until they are beautiful or terrifying. They are artists of the highest order, but rather than painting or writing songs they create exquisite gowns from the Victorian era. They build themselves into massive vultures who flash peace signs, they wear historic kilts and carry massive, hand made shields and swords. It's their brilliant Nerd Prom.
I didn't really get the lure of Spa Con until last year. I suddenly realized all these kids
simply need an outlet and community. They want to be with friends who get them, who understand outrageous creativity and imagination. .They talk about comic books, villians, face paints and the authenticity of chain mail.
So, they come to Hot Springs to link arms with others and dance down the sidewalks, unmolested, unfettered, undetured by the rest of the world, by bullies and jackwagons and jerks. And that makes me happy. They are joyful and that brings me joy.
The truth is, I think, they get harrassed by rednecks and others because most people simply don't "get it", they don't understand what or why anyone would dress up and act like Storm Troopers, Darth Vader or ninjas. They've lost their childish monster-sized imagination, fearlessness and love of magic and lore..
Things humans don't "understand" are threatening. So grown ass men in big beefy pickups honk their horns and yell at kids. Those big dudes are just afraid because you guys have something they don't understand. Hang on to that wonderous magic.
People who don't understand and are frightened make up absurd rumors about Furries and Cos Play actors. Why? Because they are threatened by things they don't understand.
No one is asking for kitty litter pans in class rooms for Furries. I promise you. Do some research damn it.
Most of Spa Con participants, I suspect, aren't the jocks or cheerleaders at school. But they have an internal magic and creativity other students and teachers don't understand and often times can't even see.. However, there's one fantastic weekend in Hot Springs when they can be themselves, dressed as hobbits or trolls, Superwoman or Wolverene., the Joker, Batman or maybe they create their own super hero or villan.
I choose to be happy for them. Life is so freaking hard, if this weekend and dressing up brings you peace, love and it!
This part is important:
Life is so hard and boring, why not dress up like a gladiator or Sailor Moon if it makes you happy for a few hours.? Other kids get to dress up in football uniforms with pads and helmets, they dress up in cheerleading uniforms with short pleated skirts and silly pompoms. They get to dress up like prom queens with enormous and ridiculious dresses, outlandish updos and great big fake eyelashes. .What's the difference? I'll answer this one for you, There's no difference.
I love you Spa Con Nerds, but more importantly, I hope you love yourself.
Thank you Visit Hot Springs for giving us this trascendent and joyful weekend.. You make our funky little town..... magical! I want to find a way to invite people who don't think they belong at Spa Con. 60 year old engineers, who love trains....wait till you see the trains! Dudes owho love famous cars from movieis...come on, Spa Con has those. Fans of Pixar's Frozen...wait till you see the enormous Elsa!!!
Spa Con kids welcome to Hot Springs, Arkansas.! I hope you have a fantastic weekend. You belong right here.